Category Archives: 魚種別







それから、2時間ほどやって、ダメなので、今日はフライはダメかもと思い、ルアーに替えようと思ったのですが、ふと先日のお客様に「企画がバンバン出て来るのもいいですが、今回じっくりやってみるはどうでしょうか。」という言葉を頂いたことを思い出し、まったく関係がない釣りで、実践してみることに。エッグはやめてゾンカーで底すれすれを引いてみよう。ということでやってみたところ、いきなりぐいーん!と大きな竿がしなり、絞り込まれ、ラインがジャンジャン出ていき、バシャー!と高いジャンプ。鮭だ!!しかも大きい!!! 何度もジャンプして5分ほどやり取りして、手元まで寄せた時に、最後の悪あがきで、針がはずれ鮭は逃げていきました。 どうみても80㎝オーバーのでかいやつだったのに。。。。



Salmon fishing challenge 2nd in 2015


It is cold. Strong wind blew. Winter has come. I cast my fly again and again. But I could not get salmon 4 hours. Other fisherman give me hit fly. I try it.  I could catch big salmon.

He is 81cm of big saalmon.

I have updated my fishing  record.

Thank you my friend. Thank you nature.

Salmon fishing challenge 1st in 2015

IMG_4826It was very warm day today . Today is my fist challenge of salmon fishing in TEDORI river , Ishikawa prefecture.

I could see many big salmon in river. It was very excited. But I could not catch salmon. Other people could not catch salmon also.


I started fishing after 1hour, I could catch Japanese dace. Oh,,, this is not salmon.

After 2 hour, my rod was pulled suddenly strongly .

It is salmon! It is big salmon!!

The salmon jumped some time. The salmon came closed to me. If you look at the salmon that came close , it was still large salmon.

I think I got big one!

At that time, the salmon has gone.

Needle is out , salmon fled,,,

After that I hit some salmon. But I could not get the salmon….