All posts by tadashi








5th Okunikkou Fly fishing 2014

10624559_871982976145099_3936896115091905184_nThere are beautiful scenery of red leaves of autumn in Sugenuma, Okunikkou, Japan. Yesterday, I could not catch the fish in HIGASHIKOYA-lake in OKunikkou because of muddy water.  So I changed fishing spot HIGASHIKOYA-Lake for SUGENUMA-Lake. Sugenuma-Lake was not affected by typhoon.


Blue sky, clear water, water temperature 6.5°C. It is very good condition for Trout fly fishing.

Please see this phpto. It is wonderful clear water. If you go to this lake, you can see the bottom of lake on your boat.



Strategic positioning fishing method is good for SUGENUMA-Lake. Bait is small in the fall, it is easy fishing a big fish. I could catch the 65cm of rainbow trout and 4 of 50cm or more rainbow trout . I could catch 8 rainbow trout in total today.





4th Okunikkou Fly fishing 2014

Today, I have appointment of my job in this evening at Utsunomiya. I went to HIGASHIKOYA LAKE in Okunikkou. Blue sky is beautiful. But water is verry muddy because of typhoon.

This is my first fishing in this lake. So I do not know how is bottom of lake. I searched bottom of lake by my fish finder.


It is depth of 10M to bottom of lake. I could find many fish in depth of 5M.

But I could not catch the fish today.  Because of muddy water. I guess that fish could not find fly.

Today, no fish…